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Early Career Editorial Board members of Ecosystem Health and Sustainability


担任Nature Reviews Earth & Environment、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Research Letters、Journal of Hydrology、Journal of Environmental Management、Geoderma、International Soil and Water Conservation ResearchGeography and Sustainability、Ecosystem Health and Sustainability、Plant and Soil、Land Degradation & Development、European Journal of Soil Science、PLOS ONE、Remote SensingJournal of Geographical SciencesJournal of Mountain Science、生态学报、中国科学院大学学报 等期刊审稿人。












2014/10-2017/12,利兹大学,地理学院,课程助教,参与科目包括:Living Planet (Soils lab); Skills for Physical Geographers; Data Analysis Stats and GIS; Research Methods: Strand 2, Social Data Analysis; Data Analysis













Changjia Li, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Lindsay C. Stringer, Wenxin Zhou, Zhuobing Ren, Mengqi Hu, Yujia Zhang, Emilio Rodriguez-Caballero, Bettina Weber, Fernando T. Maestre. Climate-driven ecological thresholds in China’s drylands modulated by grazing. Nature Sustainability. 2023, 6: 1363-1372. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-023-01187-5

Changjia Li, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Lindsay C. Stringer, Yaping Wang, Zidong Li, Yanxu Liu, Wenxin Zhou. Drivers and impacts of changes in China’s drylands. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 2021, 2: 858-873. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43017-021-00226-z (ESI热点、高被引)

Changjia Li*, Richard Grayson, Joseph Holden, Pengfei Li. Erosion in peatlands: recent research progress and future directions. Earth-Science Reviews. 2018, 185: 870-886. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012825218300576

Zhuobing Ren, Changjia Li*, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, Lindsay C. Stringer. Effects of aridification on soil total carbon pools in China's drylands. Global Change Biology. 2024, 30 (1): e17091. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17091

Changjia Li, Chengzhong Pan*. The relative importance of different grass components in controlling runoff and erosion on a hillslope under simulated rainfall. Journal of Hydrology. 2018, 558: 90-103. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169418300076

Changjia Li, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Lindsay C. Stringer, Wenxin Zhou, Tong Lu, Xutong Wu, Rina Hu, Zhuobing Ren. Structure and Functioning of China’s Dryland Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Chapter 12 in the book "Dryland Social-Ecological Systems in Changing Environments", Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-9375-8_12

Changjia Li*, Joseph Holden, Richard Grayson. Effects of needle ice on peat erosion processes during overland flow events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2018, 123 (9): 2107-2122. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2017JF004508

Changjia Li*, Richard Grayson, Mark Smith, Joseph Holden. Patterns and drivers of peat topographic changes from Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry at fieldplot and laboratory scales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2019, 44 (6): 1274-1294. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/esp.4571

Changjia Li*, Joseph Holden, Richard Grayson. Sediment and fluvial particulate carbon flux from an eroding peatland catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2019, 44: 2186-2201. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/esp.4643

Changjia Li*, Joseph Holden, Richard Grayson. Effects of rainfall, overlandflow and their interactions on peatland interrill erosion processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2018, 43 (7): 1451-1464. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/esp.4328

Changjia Li, Chengzhong Pan*. Overland runoff erosion dynamics on steep slopes with forages under field simulated rainfalland inflow. Hydrological Processes. 2020, 34 (8): 1794-1809. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hyp.13692

Changjia Li, Tong Lu, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Joseph Holden. Sustainable city development challenged by extreme weather in a warming world. Geography and Sustainability. 2022, 3: 114-118. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666683922000335

Changjia Li, Tong Lu, Shuai Wang*, Jiren Xu. Coupled Thorens and Soil Conservation Service Models for Soil Erosion Assessment in a Loess Plateau Watershed, China. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15 (3): 803. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/15/3/803

Wenxin Zhou, Changjia Li*, Shuai Wang, Zhuobing Ren,  Lindsay C. Stringer. Effects of vegetation restoration on soil properties and vegetation attributes in the arid and semi-arid regions of China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 343: 118186. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030147972300974X?dgcid=coauthor

Wenxin Zhou, Changjia Li*, Shuai Wang, Zhuobing Ren,  Lindsay C. Stringer. Effects of grazing and enclosure management on soil physical to chemical properties vary with aridity in China's drylands. Science of The Total Environment. 2023, 877: 162946. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969723015620

Wenxin Zhou, Changjia Li*, Wenwu Zhao, Lindsay C. Stringer, Bojie Fu. Spatial distributions of soil nutrients affected by land use, topography and their interactions, in the Loess Plateau of China. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. 2024, 12 (1): 227-239. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095633923000126

Tong Lu, Changjia Li*, Wenxin Zhou, Yanxu Liu. Fuzzy Assessment of Ecological Security on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Based on Pressure–State–Response Framework. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15 (5): 1293. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/15/5/1293

Zhuobing Ren, Changjia Li*, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, Wenxin Zhou, Lindsay C. Stringer. Belowground soil and vegetation components change across the aridity threshold in grasslands. Environmental Research Letters. 2023, 18 (9): 094014. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/acec02/meta

Dexin Gao, Changjia Li*, Xutong Wu, Yanxu Liu, Fangli Wei, Chongchong Ye, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang. Aridity threshold and grazing effects revealed by ecological interaction networks between leaf, root, and biomass function. Ecological Indicators. 2023, 147: 109970. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X23001127

Zidong Li, Changjia Li*, Dexin Gao, Shuai Wang. Discrimination among climate, human activities, and ecosystem functional-induced land degradation in Southern Africa. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15 (2): 403. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/15/2/403

Mengqi Hu, Changjia Li*, Wenxin Zhou, Rina Hu, Tong Lu. An improved method of using two-dimensional model to evaluate the carrying capacity of regional water resource in Inner Mongolia of China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 313: 114896. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479722004698

Pengfei Li, Changjia Li*. Book review of Tropical Peatland Ecosystems. Progress in Physical Geography. 2018, 42 (1): 134-136. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0309133317744911?journalCode=ppga

李长嘉,雷宏军,潘成忠,等. 1992 -2008 年我国工业废水排放变化效应. 环境科学研究. 2013, 26 (5): 569-575.

李长嘉,潘成忠,滕彦国 . 晋江西溪流域茶园降雨径流产污特征. 环境工程学报. 2013, 7 (8): 2909-2914.

李长嘉,雷宏军,潘成忠. 中国工业水环境COD、NH4-N排放变化影响因素研究. 北京师范大学学报. 2012, 48 (5): 476-482.


Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*, Fangli Wei, Shilong Piao, Fernando T. Maestre, Lixin Wang, Wenzhe Jiao, Yanxu Liu, Yan Li, Changjia Li, Wenwu Zhao. Drylands contribute disproportionately to observed global productivity increases. Science Bulletin. 2023, 68 (2): 224-232.

Yanxu Liu, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Jonathan R. Rhodes, Yan Li, Wenwu Zhao, Changjia Li, Sha Zhou, Chenxu Wang. Global assessment of nature’s contribution to people. Science Bulletin. 2023, 68 (4): 424-435.

Zidong Li, Shuai Wang*, Changjia Li, Chongchong Ye, Dexin Gao, Peng Chen. The trend shift caused by ecological restoration accelerates the vegetation greening of China’s drylands since the 1980s. Environmental Research Letters. 2022, 17 (4): 044062.

Yiming An, Wenwu Zhao*, Changjia Li, Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira. Temporal changes on soil conservation services in large basins across the world. Catena. 2022, 209: 105793.

Bojie Fu*, Yanxu Liu, Yan Li, Cong Wang, Changjia Li, Wei Jiang, Ting Hua, Wenwu Zhao. The research priorities of Resources and Environmental Sciences. Geography and Sustainability. 2021, 2 (2): 87-94.

Pasquale Borrelli*, Christine Alewell, Pablo Alvarez, Jamil Alexandre Ayach Anache, Jantiene Baartman, Cristiano Ballabio, Nejc Bezak et al. Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis. Science of the Total Environment.  2021, 780: 146494.

Nejc Bezak*,  Matjaž Mikoš, Pasquale Borrelli, Christine Alewell, Pablo Alvarez, Jamil Alexandre Ayach Anache, Jantiene Baartman et al. Soil erosion modelling: A bibliometric analysis. Environmental Research. 2021, 197: 111087.

Han Wang, Wenwu Zhao*, Changjia Li, Paulo Pereira. Vegetation greening partly offsets the water erosion risk in China from 1999 to 2018. Geoderma. 2021, 401: 115319.

Tongjia Wu, Chengzhong Pan*, Changjia Li, Mingjie Luo, Xiaoyu Wang. A field investigation on ephemeral gully erosion processes under different upslope inflow and sediment conditions. Journal of Hydrology. 2019, 572: 517-527.

Hongjun Lei, Xunfeng Xia, Changjia Li, Beidou Xi*. Decomposition analysis of wastewater pollutant discharges in industrial sectors of China (2001–2009) using the LMDI I method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012, 9 (6): 2226-2240.


研究成果入选2023年度“中国地理科学十大研究进展”,2024 (1/8)

研究成果入选2021年度“中国地理科学十大研究进展”,2022 (1/4)

国家留学基金委公派攻博奖学金 (China Scholarship Council & University of Leeds Scholarship), 2014-2017

Postgraduate Conference Attendance Grants, British Society for Geomorphology, 2018

River Basin Processes & Management Conference Attendance Grant, School of Geography, University of Leeds, 2018

River Basin Processes & Management Research Grant, School of Geography, University of Leeds, 2016


主要从事土地退化与生态恢复研究,取得了以下原创性成果:(1)系统揭示了我国旱区生态系统变化、驱动机制及生态工程效应;(2)阐明了我国旱区干旱、放牧及其共同作用下的生态系统阈值特征;(3)深化了土地退化的机理研究,揭示了植被恢复控制侵蚀的动力学机制。以第一和通讯作者在Nature Reviews Earth & EnvironmentNature SustainabilityEarth-Science ReviewsGlobal Change Biology等国际知名学术期刊发表论文20多篇。1篇论文入选ESI前1%高被引论文和前1‰热点论文,相关成果获评2021、2023年度“中国地理科学十大研究进展”。

  • Member of American Geophysical Union

  • Member of European Geosciences Union

  • Member of British Society for Geomorphology

  • Member of British Society of Soil Science

  • Member of British Ecological Society

  • Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Changjia-Li